Friday, April 11, 2008

third assignment

1: Who do you think is the main character of the novel? What kind of person is the main character? Find several sentences from the book to support your answers. the main character of my novel is a child called it, that is what he think his name is, but his real name is David Pelzer. he is a little boy, he thinks about suicide and fears his mother, and he is shy.

2: Compare yourself to one of the characters in the book. How are you alike and how are you different? so far i have not found a character that is like me or i think im like them, maybe i would say that i am like Ms. Gold she is a case worker for David, i think i am kind like her and care for others.

3: Pretend that you are the main character of the book. What things do you (the main character) see? What things do you hear? Smell? Taste? How do you feel? i am hungry, cold and in the dark, my whole body aches from the heavy chores that i do and from sleeping in the garage floor, i wish i was born in another home with a loving family. i wish i had a good meal, everyday so that i could stop stealing from the school garbage, i have the smell of ammonia and clorox penetrated in my nose, i wish i was in another home with a loving family.

Friday, April 4, 2008

fifth assignment

Answer these questions as fully as you can

Describe the Project of your novel. the project of this book in the real world is about how child abuse can be bad and affect many people even if they are not related to the child. the project of this book is to get out a message about child abuse.

Describe the main conflict in your novel- the main conflict in my novel is that a little boy named David is being abused by his mother, he is abused mentally, physically, and emotional. through out the whole novel, David is trying to find a new home, or a better loving family. he tries to let go of his fears, created by his mother, he thinks that he will go to hell because he steals food from the school dumpsters. he also thinks that he is a bad person and that he is better of dead, that if he is dead no one will miss him, he feels all alone inside. so the main conflict is child abuse.

How does that conflict contribute to the project of your novel? this book only gives a small detail about what an abused child can go through, and it is important to help out those abused children. the conflict in this book contributes to the project in the way that abusing children is obviously wrong.

What other elements contribute to the project?

Monday, March 10, 2008

i changed my book like ten times because all the ones that i choose were kind of boring and i wouldnt read them if i choose them any ways,....... but now i got another book and this one is the final one it is the book by Dave Pelzer it is called " the lost boy" and i am assuming that it is ""school appropiate"" because i got it from the school library,............ we'll see Mr. Downing.............

Friday, February 29, 2008

First assignment

my first assignment is to read a book named The Heart of Darkness, i choose this book because the title intrested me, i think that this book will be about love and betrayel, and at the end everything will be better but not the way that these characters expected it but it is exceptional.