Friday, April 11, 2008

third assignment

1: Who do you think is the main character of the novel? What kind of person is the main character? Find several sentences from the book to support your answers. the main character of my novel is a child called it, that is what he think his name is, but his real name is David Pelzer. he is a little boy, he thinks about suicide and fears his mother, and he is shy.

2: Compare yourself to one of the characters in the book. How are you alike and how are you different? so far i have not found a character that is like me or i think im like them, maybe i would say that i am like Ms. Gold she is a case worker for David, i think i am kind like her and care for others.

3: Pretend that you are the main character of the book. What things do you (the main character) see? What things do you hear? Smell? Taste? How do you feel? i am hungry, cold and in the dark, my whole body aches from the heavy chores that i do and from sleeping in the garage floor, i wish i was born in another home with a loving family. i wish i had a good meal, everyday so that i could stop stealing from the school garbage, i have the smell of ammonia and clorox penetrated in my nose, i wish i was in another home with a loving family.